1. How did you begin to design your Page Spread? First, I took a look at my criteria: Two Pages Header Text Box /Title Subhead/subtitle Body Text with 3 columns (reference the grid and composition presentation found under resources) 2 Image with Wrap Around Second, I decided my topic based on some of the projects I've done so far in VISCOM. Third, I pulled the necessary components from past projects. (I chose from the "flyer") Fourth, wrote the copy to fill in space...none of that Lorem ipsum stuff. Fifth, I ⌥ + ⌘ + W 'd those suckers up! 2. Did you consider grids and columns to best design your composition choice? Since columns were in the criteria, I did take that into account. However, I had gone in with the blind assumption that I could do two, so I started writing with a plan, and then had to write just a bit more to fill in the space. Looking back, I think I should have taken some words out and made the picture on that spread bigger, but ...
by Renie (VISCOM 100)